This is the website of the North West Federation of Croquet Clubs. Croquet is one of the fastest growing minority sports which can be played for fun, relaxation, fitness or played very seriously with incredibly high levels of skill in international tournaments. The Federation covers a large geographical including Cumbria, Lancashire, Merseyside, Cheshire, North Wales and the Isle of Man. There are about 22 clubs in the Federation, some are still in the developmental stage whilst others have been established over 100 years, it is estimated that the regional membership is about 1000 people. Whilst many members play Croquet for relaxation and meeting friends, others play competitively in the many league teams or regional tournaments. The region is very fortunate to have many excellent players who compete at the highest national and international level. The Federation organises many coaching courses to nurture the talent in the region. This website is designed to provide an up to date news service of croquet activities within the Federation as well as developing an historical archive of the game in the region. All our clubs welcome new members and provide tuition with all equipment provided. Beginners courses are a regular feature, as are ‘Come and Try’ events and many social activities.
Webmaster: Chris Alvey (Email: webmaster@croquetnw.co.uk)
The North West Federation of Croquet Clubs (NWFCC) promotes and develops the game of Croquet at all levels through:
- A wide range of coaching courses (free to all club members).
- Organising six different league competitions at all formats and levels.
- Managing regional tournaments (Millennium events and Festival of Croquet).
- Developing new clubs.
- Promoting club tournaments and events.
- Providing a forum for clubs to co-operate for the development of the game.
The annual Festival of Croquet provides a weekend of various croquet competitions enabling club members from beginners to experienced players to compete in a friendly competitive atmosphere. Up to 200 players participate in this unique event which is one of the largest gathering of croquet players in the UK (if not the world!). Find out more about the Festival – HERE
At an administrative level there are two meetings per year, open to all members where clubs make decisions regarding the organisation and development of the Federation.
The North West Federation provides the essential link between the region and the national governing body of the game – Croquet England.
Downloadable Documents:
Who’s Who in the Federation
NWFCC Constitution
NWFCC Disciplinary Procedure
Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults
NWFCC Honours Board
NWFCC – Early History
The Confederation Years 1989-2001
NWFCC Leagues:
– Level Play Association Croquet Scoresheet
– Level Play AC League EXCEL Scoresheet (goes to your downloads folder)
– 14-Point Handicap AC League Match Scoresheet
– 26-Point Handicap AC League Match Scoresheet
– Short Association Croquet League Match Scoresheet
– Golf Croquet Handicap League Match Scoresheet
– Level Play Golf Croquet League Match Scoresheet
– Level Play Golf Croquet League Match EXCEL Scoresheet (goes to your downloads folder)
– NWFCC League Rules
– Distances between North West League Clubs
NWFCC Coaching:
Coaching with the Flying Circus
Coaching in Pods 2014;
Referee’s Courses in 2014;
Coaching with the Flying Circus in 2013
Coaching with the Flying Circus in 2012
Golf Croquet Handicaps and Trigger Points
Association Croquet Handicaps and Trigger Points
Croquet Handicapping in the North West
Croquet Handicappers in the North West – see the Who’s Who Page
NWFCC Tournaments:
Annual Festival of Croquet:
2019; 2018; 2017; 2016; 2015; 2014; 2013; 2012; 2011; 2010; 2009; 2008; 2007;
NWFCC Club Meetings:
Executive Summaries:
Spring 2021; November 2020; Spring 2020; November 2019; Spring 2019; November 2018; Spring 2018; November 2017; Spring 2017; November 2016; Spring 2016; November 2015; Spring 2015; Autumn 2014; Autumn 2013; Autumn 2012; Spring 2012; Autumn 2011; Spring 2011; Autumn 2010; Autumn 2009; Spring 2005; Autumn 2004;
Minutes of Meetings:
Autumn 2024; Spring 2024; Autumn 2023; Spring 2023; Autumn 2022; Spring 2022; Spring 2021; November 2020; SGM November 2020; Spring 2020; November 2019; Spring 2019; November 2018; Spring 2018; November 2017; Spring 2017; November 2016; Spring 2016; November 2015; Spring 2015; Autumn 2014; Spring 2014; Autumn 2013; Spring 2013; Autumn 2012; Spring 2012; Autumn 2011; Spring 2011; Autumn 2010; Spring 2010; Spring 2003; Autumn 2002;
2014 February Special Meeting re CA Working Party on Federations