Pendle B Level Advanced Tournament (AC) 13th – 14th May 2017

Fourteen entries from N,S,E & W were attracted with several coming for the first time. I ran it as a five round Swiss event with two and three quarter hours time limits. There were many good shots, breaks and games played over the weekend. All in good humour and all with exemplary sportsmanship and conduct.
The final round had Andy B, David W, Liz W and myself all in contention. It unfolded with LW, DW, & PW tie breaking by taking two balls from corner four as far as we could. Tie break scores: PW 2+1, LW 1, DW 2+2.
During the first round we became aware of the 5th “Earby Jam Festival”. An open air music event some 300 yards from the club. Bands included Oddball (1.30pm to 2pm), The Biscuit Brothers (5pm to 5.45pm) and the What Went Wrongs (7pm to 8pm). Some players enjoyed the music, others less so. It was very loud! This appears to be an annual event.
Tim Masterton (Aldermaston) beat Howard Bowron (Pendle) +12; Terry Vernazza (Tyneside) beat Ian Hall (Keswick) +4; David Houston (Meadows) beat Roger Staples (Pendle) +2; Peter Wilson (Fylde) beat David Warhorse (High Wycombe) +3; Roger Schofield (Pendle) beat Dennis Scarr (Middlesbrough) +2; Liz Wilson (Fylde) beat Jerry Guest (Chester) +1; Andy Brandwood (Pendle) beat Barry Keen (Bowdon) +12;
Tim Masterton beat Terry Vernazza +3; Jerry Guest beat Barry Keen +25tp; Peter Wilson beat David Houston +25; Liz Wilson beat Roger Schofield +6; Ian Hall beat Roger Staples +16; David Warhurst beat Dennis Scarr +17; Andy Brandwood beat Howard Bowron +3; Jerry Guest beat David Houston +11;
Barry Keen beat Peter Wilson +11; Dennis Scarr beat Roger Staples +12; David Warhurst beat Terry Vernazza +10; Howard Bowron beat Roger Schofield +3; Andy Brandwood beat Ian Hall +11; Liz Wilson beat Tim Masterton +1; Liz Wilson beat Andy Brandwood +1; David Warhurst beat Tim Masterton +12;
Roger Schofield beat David Houston +3; Peter Wilson beat Jerry Guest +3; Terry Vernazza beat Dennis Scarr +17; Roger Staples beat Barry Keen +20; Howard Bowron beat Ian Hall +5; David Warhurst beat Liz Wilson +5; Peter Wilson beat Andy Brandwood +4; Roger Schofield beat Tim Masterton +3; Terry Vernazza beat Howard Bowron +3; Jerry Guest beat Roger Staples +14; Dennis Scarr beat Ian Hall +4; Barry Keen beat David Houston +4;