Pendle & Craven Croquet Club
Easter Tournaments 2021
Due to Covid restrictions on Hotels & Guest Houses not being allowed to open, our popular 4 day Easter tournament has been again cancelled.
In its place it is proposed to offer – TWO distinct ONE-DAY events:
Golf Croquet Competition – Saturday 3rd April
Propose a mix of Level & Handicap play, depending upon Entries.
AC Croquet Competition – Sunday 4th April
Propose a mix of Level & Handicap play, depending upon Entries.
Covid guidelines state that ‘organised’ sporting events can be legally held from 29th March but obviously, you will need to consider your commute to Pendle Club to attend these events, for example you might prefer not to car share, and the ‘Boris’ timetable might hiccup.
The Village Buttie Shop will be Open on the Saturday, so lunches can be sourced there, but Sunday will be ‘Bring your Own’ – sorry, Covid prohibits us catering, however drinks will be available on the terrace over both days.
Last year Pendle hosted Five Covid Safe Tournaments and the lessons learnt from them will be utilized for these; ‘owned’ Personal chairs, Extra Spaced cover, antibacterial equipment wipes, external brew stuff etc…
So if you fancy hitting balls about in competition as a season starter then please notify Liz Wilson (Liz@palnet.co.uk) to enter either (or both).
Tournament entry fee – per player – £10.00/day (members £8)
Bottomless tea/coffee/squash during day – £3.00/day
Please, in the first instance, register your place so level of interest can be assessed.