Executive Summary: NWFCC Spring Club Meeting by Zoom – Saturday 6th March 2021

Chairman, Paul Rigge welcomed 19 delegates on Zoom to the Meeting in addition to 17 members on You Tube. He thanked Eugene Chang of the CA for facilitating the Meeting on the CA Account. Minutes of the last Meetings (An SGM and an AGM) on the 14th November were confirmed and there were no matters arising.
League Manager, Ivan Wheatley has received entries from 49 teams for the 2021 League Season and scheduled a full programme of matches, unfortunately, these must now be re-scheduled in the light of current Covid restrictions. He recommended the season should now start on 17 May and end in September with a revised fixture calender – this will involve playing matches more frequently in the Level Play GC, Level Play AC and Midweek AC leagues but necessitate splitting the other leagues. Consequently the Handicap AC, Handicap GC and Short Leagues will each be split into a North and South division of 4 or 5 teams each with an ‘all play all’ format. The annual Festival of Croquet was discussed at length and a new date of 14/15 August agreed for this year.
Sarah Andrews, Development Officer, explained the Development Committee will have a new focus to identify future funding sources. She has been instrumental in securing grants for Fylde and Crake Valley and is in discussions with a possible new group in the West Pennines. David Cornes was elected as the Federation Development Officer to replace Sarah. Jean Hargreaves, Safeguarding Officer, reminded the meeting of new documents on the website about safeguarding children and the meeting formally adopted the new Child Safeguarding Policy. A further set of documents is in preparation relating to vulnerable adults. Don Williamson reminded the meetingof the new rules regarding GC handicapping. Tony Thomas, Webmaster, described some new security measures regarding email addresses on the website and only Mobile telephone numbers are now listed in contact lists. We are looking forward to the start of the season on 29 March and appealed for photographs from clubs on the theme “Happy to be Back”,
The League Manager, Ivan Wheatley described changes to the League Rules for 2021. His original draft last November has been amended to incorporate changes required by the recent publication of the 7thEdition of AC Laws and changes to Tournament Regulations. These allow for Alternate Doubles in AC matches, new procedures at the end of time limited games. When playing Level Play GC, games must be recorded in the order of play.
The Federation reqires a Logo and 37 designs have been submitted by members. These are being considered by the Federation committee.
There were various Club announcements. Several Bowdon members have won national tournaments and several of their younger players are in the National Training Programme. Bury are expanding their Internal Tournament programme and have attracted two national tournaments in 2021. Chester are running social events for their local hospital and hope to attract new members. The national Apps Healey award has been awarded to Crake Valley for their recent improvents and these have been continued with improved drainage and landscaping. Craig-y-Don have a new Mower and Lining Equipment in addition to new toilet facilities. Culcheth have secured a further year to play at Datem Sports Club. Fylde have been awarded a CA Grant to improve lawns and drainage. LLanfairfechan have doubled their membership in the last year and will be hosting the national North and Mid Wales GC tournament this year. Pendle managed to hold five ‘Covid Safe’ tournaments in 2020 and have improved their North Gate access and installed more hard standing. Southport hosted two prestigious national tournaments in 2020, they have 200m of plastic drainpipe for sale, ideal for use as Ball Guards. Westmorland have re-seeded their lawns and have recruited ten new members.
The next Club Meeting will be the Federation AGM on 13th November 2021
14 March 2021 – Draft Minutes of Meeting issued – you can read them here