What’s the point of this GC event? We have five courts, all prepared and laid out on a browning fast surface. Perfect weather, in fact the hottest day of the year so far, and still only Five entries applied to this A class Open event – pathetic!
On the run-up to this weekend, various conversations with the players (& the CA) were held, about should it be reduced to a single day or stick with two, what format would entries support etc…
On the day, a single round of 19 point block games was played – it was enough in that heat!
Series points (in order) to;
Roger l’Anson, Andrew Gould, Libby Dixon, Chris Wood.
Full results can be found at Croquetscores (https://croquetscores.com/2023/gc/pendle-open/all-play-all)
Photo ; Roger l’Anson from manager Gill Uglow