Minutes of Spring Meeting held on Saturday 8 March 2003
Held at Culcheth Sports & Social Club by kind invitation of Culcheth Croquet ClubCommittee
Present: Chairman: Bob Burnett; Secretary: Ian Lines; Treasurer: Geoff Young; Development Officer: John Beech; League Manager: John Wilkinson; Coaching Officer: James Hawkins; CA Representative: Barry Keen; NW Club Cham: Keith Roberts; Pennine Cup Captain: Roger Schofield; Ailsa Lines, David Barrett; Barbara Young, Geoff Young (Bury); Janet Davies (Chester); Eric Charters, Janet McKensie (Culcheth); Mark Miller, David Nicholson (Crake Valley); D. Bold, Eileen Cowsill, Pat Hague, M. Jones, Brian Oldham (Ellesmere); Georgina Llewellyn, Anwen Williams (Llanfairfechan); John Haslam (Southport); 1. Apologies for Absence Apologies were received from: Peter Wardle (Kendal/Levens Hall), Liz and Peter Wilson (Fylde), Margaret (Culcheth Chairman), Neil Williams (Kendal/Keswick)2. Confirmation of Previous Minutes Acceptance of the minutes of the 2002 Spring Meeting was proposed by John Beech, seconded by John Wilkinson, and Approved nem con.
3. Matters Arising from the Last Meeting There were no matters arising from the minutes of the Annual General Meeting of 16 November 2002.4.
Reports from Officers A. Chairman – Bob Burnett NW Fed Web site ( The site has been redesigned, with a page for each club so that they may advertise tournaments, social events and disseminate information. A list of club members with their handicaps is one idea. Pendle’s page is particularly good. Bob Burnett is collating a list of previous league winners etc for inclusion. A NW ranking list has been added. Tony Thomas was thanked for his on-going work as webmaster. He would like more photos (digital or ordinary for scanning) for inclusion in gallery. The history of the NW Fed by Neil Williams also needs updating – Please send any material to Tony ( Millennium Trophies Clubs need to nominate entries asap for Handicap event. See item 6 below for details. B. Secretary – Ian Lines Please could everyone check the contact details (page 5) to ensure that they are correct and advise Ian Lines asap of any corrections/additions. Please could any Officer or Club Secretary not requiring paper copies of NW Federation Meeting Agendas, Minutes etc by post please e-mail Ian Lines asap (Liz Wilson, Bob Burnett, John Wilkinson, James Hawkins, Barry Keen and Tim Pickles are already on this list). It saves on paper and postage. Everyone on e-mail will get electronic copies. C. Treasurer – Geoff Young Nothing to report D. Development Officer – John Beech The potential for a site at Wrexham will be pursued this year. Hoghton Tower are having a fun day on 3rd August, 12.45 to 4 pm – Bob Burnett will organise (NW Federation will receive £200 and CA will pay travel expenses for helpers). Potential for development at Culcheth still being investigated. Crake Valley has ambitious plans to develop lawns and pavilion. Ellesmere trying to develop membership and add a shelter. Pendle has an uncertain future after December 2003. Attempts are being made to secure another site. A junior section has been thriving on Tuesday nights. A grant of £75 towards costs of Child Protection registration/training was requested, proposed by John Beech, seconded by Roger Schofield and Approved nem con. JB emphasised that unless we spend the £500 development grant from the CA then we lose the money. Clubs are encouraged to apply for grants under the Awards for All scheme – Pendle received £5000 in just 6 weeks. Croquet in The North Leaflets have been produced and distributed to Club Secretaries. Note typos that NW Federation Secretary should be Ian Lines and Development Officer should be John Beech. E. CA Representative – Barry Keen BK noted that the CA is likely to look kindly on requests for development grants at the moment.CA Committee plans for 2003 include: Revision of the CA Coaching Manual (and production of a coaching manual for Golf). Handicapping guidelines and procedures to be published, and consideration of how/whether to include 1 ball in handicap system. Simple Laws of Croquet to be published. Role and training of (assistant) referees to be reviewed, and course notes placed on CA web site. The CA shop has been integrated into the CA web site. The CA is considering the archiving of old material (e.g. putting old gazettes on the web). CA has confirmed that handicaps do not change during tournaments (i.e. status quo). CA has confirmed that if handicaps change out of bounds within 7 days of a Mary Rose/Longman Cup event, then it does not matter, but players play off their actual handicap (i.e. status quo). F. Coaching Officer – James Hawkins Mike Hague ran a very successful weekend coaching course at Southport (with Bruce Rannie present), resulting in 14 new Club Coaches, 4 Grade 1 coaches, 5 Grade 2 coaches and 1 Grade 3 coach. Thanks go to all the Southport Directing Staff. JH will be running a course for Golf coaches at Edgbaston in April, with a few attendees form the NW. JH requested that any requests for coaching should be directed to him asap. Logistics of courses to become a Club Coach were discussed. Requires at least 1 coach for 4 people. Course is normally over a weekend, but could perhaps be split over 2 separated days. The role of Club Coaches was discussed. G. Championship Manager – Keith Roberts Noted that NW Federation Club Championships to be held on 28/29 June at Southport. Clubs are encouraged to enter an Advanced team (2 people to play doubles). John Haslam emphasised that all players must be on time, otherwise it delays everyone.
H. League Manager – John Wilkinson The 2003 NW Fed fixture list has been finalised and distributed. The ‘Burnett’ system for handicap base in all NW Federation Handicap games is in the League Rules and applies for both singles and doubles. Rule 13(b) is now: Handicap games shall be played full bisque from a base equal to half the average of the handicaps of the two players in singles or the combined handicaps of the pairs in doubles (i.e. the sum of the two handicaps divided by 4) rounded up to the nearest half. The combined handicap of a doubles pair is half the sum of their individual handicaps rounded up to the nearest half. e.g. singles. 4½ plays an 8. Base is (4½+8)/4 = 31/8 rounded up to 3½, 4½ receives 4½-3½ = 1 bisque, 8 receives 8-3½ = 4½ bisques, e.g. doubles 2½ & 6 play an 8 & 10., Combined handicaps are 8½ / 2 = 4¼ rounded up to 4½ and 18 / 2 = 9, Base is (4½+9)/4 = 33/8 rounded up to 3½, 2½ & 6 receive 4½-3½ = 1 bisque, 8 & 10 receive 9-3½ = 5½ bisques. NB In normal handicap doubles the 8 & 10 would receive (18-8½)/2 = 4¾ rounded to 5.The modified league scoring system (see JW description in Agenda) was discussed, proposed by Peter Wilson, seconded by John Haslam and Approved nem con. This includes the addition of Rule 14 to the League Rules for Advanced, i.e. 14. In advanced games points will be awarded to the winner of a game equal to those earned in the automatic handicap scheme and the team with the higher total points score will be awarded the difference between the totals in compiling the League Table.For this purpose the handicap of a doubles pair will be taken as the average of the individual players’ handicaps (ie the sum of their handicaps divided by two) rounded up to the nearest half.6 Millennium Trophies Arrangements are now all fully in place for the 2003 Finals:Handicap Pendle – 12/13 April – Manager: Roger Schofield – 9.30 am start – Lunch & teas provided Clubs to nominate 2 persons and give names to Roger Schofield asap with handicaps and lunch/tea numbersAdvanced Heaton Park – 26/27 April – Manager: Geoff Young – 9.30 am start – Lunch & teas provided. All entries welcome (16 maximum). Names to Geoff Young asap with handicaps and lunch/tea numbers. Ideally at least an A & B class player from each club, but clubs may send any number of any class player. Spectators/crowds also encouraged as this will be the first croquet showpiece event at Heaton Park. ENTRY FORMS HAVE BEEN APPENDED TO THESE MINUTES – PLEASE COULD CLUB SECRETARIES COPY AND DISTRIBUTE ASAPALL CLUB SECRETARIES TO NOTIFY ROGER SCHOFIELD ASAP OF THEIR 2 ENTRANTS FOR THE HANDICAP EVENT (OR IF THEY WILL NOT BE ENTERING). It was proposed by John Beech (and seconded by John Haslam) that the normal £10 entry fee would be waived for 2003, and that host clubs may claim ball/lawn hire costs from NW Federation. This was Approved. Geoff Young volunteered to act as overall Organiser for the Millennium Competitions. Trophies for winner and runner up of Millennium Handicap events given to Pendle for safekeeping. Ian Lines will try to investigate location of Advanced Trophies (Roger Brookes?).7 CA Roadshow Huddersfield Barry Keen outlined the Agenda for the CA Roadshow to be held 29th March at 11.30am (enclosed with Agenda for Spring Meeting). Several NW clubs will be sending a few representatives, together with Federation officers. BK emphasised that attendees do not need to be club delegates – it is open to all. Particular points on which BK would like feedback are: The link between the CA and the Federations – how it should operate and what do the Federations want from the CA in terms of assistance. The CA is looking to future financing arrangements and the raising of funds. Should ALL club members pay a (moderate) amount to the CA, or should it all come from tournament levies, or what? 8 Federation Doubles Bob Burnett suggested a possible team doubles event for late in the season (e.g. team of 4 from each club), but there was no great interest from the floor, so the idea will not be pursued further at this time. 9 Club Reports and Announcements Bowdon May weekend full with waiting list, but a few places still left on June Weekend, Northern Week and Northern Championship. The club continues to thrive with about 85 full playing members at present. Bury The Bury Fun Day will be on 17 May (all club Secretaries have been given information to advertise). The developments at Heaton Park are still at a very early stage, but look promising. Chester Hoping that new lawns will be ready by the Summer. The club will then have 3½ lawns. They are considering hosting a Short Croquet Tournament (not a CA event) and will take soundings (particularly in East Midlands) to gauge likely support. Initiatives at Wrexham are ongoing – a fun short day on 10th May and a demonstration event at the end of July. Crake Valley Cumbria Cup nearly full. There are development plans to become a 4 lawn club and improve club house. Culcheth A permanent 2nd lawn is still a possibility. They have been playing over the winter on an indoor mat. Ellesmere 11 members, of whom 6 are available for matches. They are in the NW League but requested the same dispensation that they had previously so that they could call on members of other clubs (who were not playing in the League) as reserve players. This was Approved nem con.. Ellesmere are now covered by a Child Protection Policy, and may need help with coaching of schoolchildren. Fylde No report. Isle of Man No report. Kendal No report. Keswick No report. Lancaster No report. Llanfairfechan The CA carpet has been in good use, and the meeting supported the idea that Llanfairfechan should keep it for next year as no other clubs expressed an interest. There are about 10 members who would like coaching, and 6 who have completed all the Child Protection registration forms. Pendle 3 people have done course on Child Protection (2 more planned). They have played outdoors over the winter once a week for the first time. Original proposed relocation site has fallen through, and they are in negotiation with the Council. It was noted that they may have continuity problems in 2004, but Southport, Bury and Ripon Spa have all indicated that Pendle members may use their lawns in the event of difficulties. Southport Decided not to go ahead with lottery bid, but developments of club house are planned..10. AOB Roger Schofield volunteered to act as NW Federation Child Protection Officer. Pennine Cup to be held 2nd August at Heaton Park (Roger Schofield organising). Bob Burnett has had a letter from Neil Williams – he continues to improve slowly. Draft minutes of this Spring Meeting will be issued within 3 days for comment to all officers, club secretaries and representatives who have provided e-mail addresses. Comments received by 14th March 2003 will be incorporated. Final issue to all Club Secretaries and Officers will be by post, unless they have indicated a preference for e-mail11. Date and Time of Next Meetings There will be an Officers Meeting on Saturday 17th May at 10.00 am at Bowdon. The date of the next AGM is Saturday 15th November 2003 starting at 10.00 am at Culcheth. The date of the next Spring Meeting was set at Saturday 6th March 2004 at 10.00 am at Culcheth.12. Close of Meeting The Chairman thanked the Culcheth Club for hosting the Spring Meeting and declared the meeting closed at 12.20 pm.
Ian Lines NW Federation Secretary 8 March 2003