Pendle June Advanced week-end 19/20 June 2021

June in Earby again delivers blue skies, freshly cut short parched grass (5mm) timed at 13 plummers, championship hoops set firmly into new holes, in short – perfect conditions for a croquet tournament over the weekend. Disappointingly only seven individuals availed themselves of this offer, so six games each beckoned (all-play-all).
The games were played competitively, some very competitively (with tight results +1).
The weather rules of Camelot came into play overnight – the heavens opened and it chucked it down while we enjoyed a ‘Normal’ Tournament Dinner and slept. Sunday dawned and the ground had absorbed every single drop, so all four courts were fully operational.
All things shake out, so by the mid-afternoon, the silverware could be presented:
Chris Clarke Bowl – Robert Essler
Jeremy Dyer Bowl- Steve Skelton
Overall Tournament champion (the David Openshaw Claret Jug) – Paul Rigge