Southport Advanced Tournament – Sandiford Salver – 15/16 September 2018

James Death defeated a strong opposition to win the Sandiford Salver at the Southport Advanced Weekend on 15-16 September.
Death played some fast and elaborate croquet, squeezing ten games into the two days. On the way he completed three triple peels, one triple on his opponent, a quad, a straight quad, and the not-often-seen quintuple peel on opponent. Credit must go to Peter Wilson, who managed the event and succeeded in scheduling enough games to satisfy James’s appetite for croquet throughout.
John-Paul Moberly made his Southport debut after recently relocating to the North West, and won six games out of seven to take second place.
Results: James Death – 10/10; John-Paul Moberly – 6/7; Paul Rigge – 6/8; Alain Giraud – 5 /8; Omied Hallam – 4/8; Richard H Smith – 2/6; Liz Wilson – 2/6; Dave Gunn – 2/7; James Hawkins – 2/7; Peter Wilson – 2/7; Derek Knight – 1/6; Dennis Scarr – 1/6.