TOO LATE – Post now filled by James Hawkins and John Haslam
The Federation Festival of Croquet takes place at Southport on the weekend of 25/26 June 2016.
HELP !!!
We do not have anyone to manage the Festival this year – can you do it?
Before you say NO, think about it, this is what you need to do:
* Liz Wilson will send you the team entries for each Croquet discipline
* You work out a schedule for each discipline competition
* Liaise with Southport Secretary to identify the lawns required
* Produce the paperwork to give to each team captain on the day.
* There will be Manager Assistants to help you on the day(s)
* All you need do on the day is welcome everyone and get them started
* Throughout the event keep an eye on results coming in from your Assistants.
* At the end, say a few kind words and announce the Winners
* You then receive a huge vote of thanks from the assembled multitude
* You go down in history as a hero, nay a legend, and with grateful thanks from the Federation.
Can you do it? It is a challenge, but not impossible, and plenty of support will be available – Liz, Garry, myself, in fact any member of the Federation Committee.
Interested ? – Please contact Liz Wilson ( ) or Garry Wilson ( as soon as possible.
Think not what the Federation can do for you, but what you can do for the Federation !!!