Chester, 16-17th September 2023
Anne Alvey from Bury is the 2023 CA All England AC H/C Champion, on this its centennial year joining a select group of women who have won this competition.
In a nerve shredding final game, Anne survived a fierce comeback by her opponent to end the finals having won four out of five games. This was enough to give her victory as one of two players on four wins; but an earlier crucial head-to-head victory by 13-10 on time, tipped the balanced in her favour.
Her victory was cemented by outstanding handicap play on the first day when she won all three of her games against strong opposition and, following a wobble in the her fourth game, she stood firm with determined play under intense pressure in her final game to seal the title.
For her efforts Anne holds the splendid trophy for the year and Bury Croquet Club a beautiful shield, presented to the CA by the New Zealand Croquet Council in 1956 for the Club of the current champion.
Robin Tasker
Tournament Manager

(The Finalists. From left to right: Sean Doherty, Simon Tuke, Gareth Hobby, Bernie Phillips, Anne Alvey, Bryan Harral, Patricia Mulcahy, Clive Moncrieff)