Successful New Tournament – Alternative 18 Point Doubles – by David Lloyd (Tournament Manager) and Elaine Newman (Tournament Secretary).

Crake hosted an inaugural Alternate Doubles Tournament on Saturday 8 April 2017. The event was fully attended with guests from Pendle, Southport, Westmorland and good representation from Crake with a handicap range of 24 to 0.5 – only a few murmurs about the early start 9.15 for 9.30 am. We got underway promptly with eight pairings seeded into two blocks. After the first two rounds of matches it was all square in both blocks with everyone having played two – won one and lost one. People went into the magnificent lunch feeling optimistic that they could be the pairing that went into the final.

After the final block match there were 4 pairs on 2 wins. The final was contested between Gail Moors (Southport) and Peter Wardle (Crake) versus Tom Griffiths (Crake) and Mike Patefield (Westmorland). It was still an 18 point game played over two hours, with Gail Moors and Peter Wardle emerging victorious in the late evening sunshine.
A great day out with four matches each, perfect weather and everyone focussed, determined and good humoured. The perfect start to the season for all players.