Federation Croquet Leagues already to go for another season
The fixtures for 2018 have now been issued and so all is set for another season of competitive croquet in the North West. With 46 teams lined up to take part in 161 matches spread over 6 leagues there’s plenty of action in store for anyone who wants to get involved. The League Rules for 2018 were approved at the Federation Spring Meeting on Saturday 3rd March and can be downloaded below and a short accompanying paper has been put together to highlight the most significant rules of which team captains need to be aware and again a copy can be downloaded below. A full set of fixtures can also be seen on the Federation website which will be updated with the scores as the season progresses and the standing of the teams in their respective leagues can be followed by going to the appropriate page of the website.
The season starts on Saturday 7th April with matches in both the handicap AC and handicap GC leagues and will run through until Sunday the 14th October by which time all matches should have been completed. The presentation of trophies to the winners of each of the leagues will be made at the Federation Annual General Meeting on Saturday 17th November.
Quick view of significant 2018 League Rules – download here
2018 League Rules – download here