The Croquet Association has conducted an anonymous survey of croquet players every 5 years since 2002. The 2022 survey commences on Tuesday 22nd March and will be open until Friday 22nd April.We would like to hear from ALL croquet players. Whether you are a social player or an international star, a teenager or a nonagenarian, no matter how long you have been playing, what version of the game you play or where you live, you are an essential part of the whole croquet scene. YOU matter when it comes to shaping the future of our sport, so we are really keen that you take part in this survey. WHY ARE WE CONDUCTING THIS SURVEY?The information you provide will help us to better understand the needs and wishes of existing members; to promote croquet more effectively across our communities; to guide initiatives such as attracting younger players; and to help with advertising, sponsorship and funding applications. It will also provide valuable information to clubs and Federations and give a baseline so that we will be able to assess the effectiveness of strategies in future. Please be assured that all your answers are anonymous. The data will only be used for statistical analysis and it will not be possible to trace it back to you. If you would like some further details about the survey or some of the questions in it, then please have a look at Frequently Asked Questions The survey can be completed on a PC, laptop or tablet (iPad). It is also compatible with a smartphone although a larger screen will make it a little easier to navigate. Please set aside about 25 minutes to complete the survey and when you are ready to begin, the link will have either been emailed to you directly or can be obtained from your club secretary. You will see some straight-forward instructions at the beginning. If you, or anyone else you know, cannot complete this survey on-line, then please contact the CA Office, Tel. 01242 242318 to request a paper version. Finally, by completing the survey there is a chance for you or your club to win one of four £150 vouchers for the CA shop.The upsurge in interest we have seen in our sport through the pandemic and the changes we see across society mean this is a particularly important time for croquet, so thank you very much for your time and assistance, |
Samir Patel, Chair of CA Council Beatrice McGlen, Chair of the Executive Board |