Ten clubs were represented by 30 people at the Spring Meeting held at Culcheth on 3 March 2012. Chairman Liz Wilson welcomed delegates and especially the representatives from our latest new club – Flixton. The meeting was pleased to hear the news that the CA have awarded Ian Lines an award for outstanding achievements in coaching. The acting Secretary, Tony Thomas, was delighted that Paul Rigge has volunteered to take over as Secretary.
There has been an upsurge in developing new clubs and Janet Davies was pleased to report the CA Development Fund had been increased. Clubs are reminded that applications for Apps Heley, Townsend and Millenium Awards can be made this year for clubs who have made excellent progress during the last two years.
The committee will be reviewing the Federation Constitution and bring proposals to the next meeting. A working party has been established by the CA to look at the relationship between the CA and the various Federations and Geoff Young will be designing a questionnaire to ascertain club views.
The League Fixtures for 2012 were distributed and the meeting ratified cosmetic changes to the League Rules. 167 matches will be played this year. Chester have replaced Liverpool in the Advanced league, Birkdale have moved from the Short to the Handicap league and Westmorland have joined the Golf league.
Ken Cooper has organised several Coaching courses at Silver, Bronze, Golf and Coach Trainer levels. There was a discussion about allowing players of other Federations to join our coaching courses – in principle no problem, providing NWFCC players are not disadvantaged, however the committee need to look at issues regarding administration and costings.
Organisation of the Millennium tournaments, Festival of Croquet, Pennine Cup are all progressing well. There were progress reports from all thye clubs.
Date of next meeting will be 3 November 2012 at Culcheth, all club members are welcome.
You can download the full Minutes of the Meeting here.