John Dawson (Chester) has sent us the following fascinating article on the Fletcher Brothers in Australia. Rob Fletcher is a former world champion and still one of the best players in the world and still in his twenties! He is ranked number 1 in Australian Association Croquet, whilst his younger brother, Mal, is ranked number 2. Eldest brother, Greg, is ranked number 1 in Golf Croquet in Australia.
Many readers will remember two days in 2010 when the Australia national team played a representative north west team at Southport, in preparation for their MacRobertson matches against New Zealand, USA and Great Britain. Many of our players had the privilege of playing the Fletcher brothers.
The web version of The Age ( Melbourne’s top paper – also read right across Australia), presumably also in the paper version recently carried an article on the Fletcher Brothers with a great combination of text and video. Article mentions chess like thinking, playing angles like snooker, practising etc. Take a look:
small country clubhttp://www.theage.com.au/victoria/the-western-district-timber-merchants-among-croquets-elite-20161218-gtdmhy.html
Clearly the brothers Fletcher make great ” copy” but one has to admire the medium – it is a good Christmas read! (but I’ll leave the log splitting to others).
John Dawson