Heaton Park 5/6th July, Mid Summer Advanced Croquet Tournament
Hosted by Bury CC, Managed by Bury member Paul Rigge.
Advanced Summer Silver Trophy: Winner – Brian Storey.

This last advanced croquet tournament at Heaton Park was almost a mini county affair with Middlesex, Cheshire & Lancashire all well represented. The bowling greens are still being badly damaged by rabbits but the courts were created to avoid the worst sand filled pits and transplanted areas.
Saturday morning broke gray & dull as all gathered, but before the first games had finished the sun had broke through and the clouds rolled back. This being the only tournament in the country played this weekend (again) to be bathed in sunshire for the duration.
The format was all play all in untimed games across two balanced blocks leading to a KO. Brian yet again remining unbeaten and retaining the silverware for another year.
Nick Parish bt Tom Griffith +17 Dave Nick bt David Barrett +26 Brian Storey bt Derek Knight +14 Paul Rigge bt Francois Garcia +3 Andy Brandwood bt Eugene Chang +14 Nick Parish bt David Barrett +17tp Paul Rigge bt Derek Knight +26tp Brian Storey bt Eugene Chang +17 Dave Nick bt Andy Brandwood +11 Tom Griffith bt Francois Garcia +6 |
Paul Rigge bt Eugene Chang +24tp Brian Storey bt Dave Nick +8tp Tom Griffith bt Derek Knight +22 Nick Parish bt Andy Brandwood +14 David Barrett bt Francois Garcia +17 Dave Nick bt Tom Griffith +11 Nick Parish bt Paul Rigge +26tp Derek Knight bt Andy Brandwood +25 Brian Storey bt Francois Garcia +14 Eugene Chang bt David Barrett +9 |
Paul Rigge bt Dave Nick +23 Brian Storey bt Nick Parish +3otp Tom Griffith bt Eugene Chang +9 Derek Knight bt David Barrett +4 Andy Brandwood bt Francois Garcia +8 Brian Storey bt Paul Rigge +4 Dave Nick bt Nick Parish +24 Eugene Chang bt Derek Knight +8 Andy Brandwood bt Tom Griffith +1t |