NWFCC Spring Meeting – Sat 2ndMarch 2019 – Executive Summary
A disappointing attendance of about twenty members at the Spring Meeting at Culcheth discussed latest news of the CA re-organisation, Federation Leagues and the 2019 Festival of Croquet.
A Special General Meeting has been called by the Croquet Association to discuss changes to the Constitution. The changes if adopted will reduce the size of the Executive Council and provide a greater input from the Federations. Our North West Federation Committee are in favour of these changes and urge all club members to vote in favour – members can vote on line (via CA website) or by post (See February Croquet Gazette) – the closing date is 20thMarch and we would like a significant contributory vote from the north west – all delegates were asked to encourage voting back in their clubs.
The 2019 League Fixtures are now published and there is a 14% increase in activities with 183 matches over six leagues, this may lead to capacity problems in some clubs if matches get postponed. Clubs are urged to read League Rule 2(b) which covers the procedure when a fixture cannot be fulfilled. The Handicap criteria for the B League have been changed for 2019 and the Doubles games may now be played with Alternate Strokes format. All Golf Croquet matches must now be played in accordance with the 5thEdition of the Rules of GC – copies available from the CA shop or Federation Secretary.
The planned Club Coaches course at Bury on 13thApril has been massively over subscribed and a second course is planned for later in the season. Only one request has been received for general coaching under our Flying Circus banner – Bronze AC coaching at Keswick. Paul Rigge will also be running weekly coaching clinics at Fylde and Pendle.
On National Croquet Day (12thMay), the CA will be participating in a BBC Countryfile event at Castle Howard, York, and may ask for volunteers to help.
The annual Festival of Croquet (Southport, 29/30 June) will be expanded to include a Level Play Golf Croquet section with two person teams, to add to the other four sections. The registration fee will be £39 per team per section and closing dates for entries is 9thJune. The Meeting agreed to fund the hire of three portable toilets for the Festival for £306.
Bowdon announced they are running a new Short Croquet tournament in July and are getting involved in the new Croquet Matters development programnme. The lawns at Whitehead Park Bury are much improved due to new drainage. Crake Valley have received a grant to renovate their clubhouse. Fylde are developing a new marketing prescence using Facebook, Twitter, etc. They have also renovated their drainage ditches. Lawns at Pendle have been improved and are developing links with the local U3A. Southport lawns have improved due to a Ground Aeration programme and have replaced the Boundary Boards around the South Lawns. Tatton Hall have received a Townsend Award for their development strategy.
A proposal for changes to the Federation Constitution to clarify voting rights was discussed and the meeting decided to seek expert advice before proceeding further.
The meeting closed at 12 noon. The next meeting will be the AGM on 16thNovember 2019 at Culcheth.
This Summary is a personal view by Tony Thomas, 3rdMarch 2019 and may not represent official NW Federation policy.
You can read the official Draft Minutes here