Cumbria Cup – Crake Croquet Club – 17/18 June 2017

Only seven entries for the event this year, so Tom Griffith stood down as he had other commitments. This led to an all-play-all format. The croquet handicaps varied from 8 to -½.
There were some surprises along the way with Jim Alcock (5) nearly winning the event by beating Paul Rigge (-1/2) and Peter Wilson (1/2 ). His downfall in the last game came against Dave Nick with one of his usual three ball endings. Many games finished with only two balls on the lawn and great fun was had by all.
The eventual winner on 4 wins was Peter Wilson with Paul Rigge runner-up on 4 wins but beaten by Peter. Other competitors not mentioned in dispatches were Liz Wilson and David Lloyd.
We were all ready for rain but came away scorched! Thank you Crake for a great event.