Flying Circus in tip top form at Pendle by Peter Wilson (15/05/10)

Players from Pendle were treated to a visit from the Flying Circus for a Gold Course. The lawns looked wonderful on arrival, newly lined and mowed, thanks to Robert. The course was run by Ken Cooper from Bowdon and if this was not enough, he was accompanied by International player Ian Lines (playing off minus two and a half and with well over four hundred competitive triple peels under his belt).
The course started on the lawns by looking at modern openings being used in A class play and the theory of the nuances behind them. One of these included a promotional cannon. This was followed by a discussion regarding 4-back leaves. The OSL, NSL, & MSL were all looked at in depth and in particular what to do should the lift be missed. After lunch, we concentrated on the TP. We did this by working backwards from the Rover peel and every opportunity to complete it that arises. The Penult peel and the 4-back peel were also considered in turn.
We split up and were given the chance to do it ourselves. Oh how easy it was for all of us with Ken and Ian whispering in our ears! This wonderful day ended with a look into some top level thinking behind a typical three ball ending. We all chipped in with ideas but we seldom got the ‘right’ answer, what a marvellous insight into the game. The students presented the Flying Circus with Pendle Mug & Pen sets and an apple for each teacher. We are very lucky in the NW Federation to have the Flying Circus. It is working very hard this year putting on courses for all handicaps and disciplines. It was a fantastic day.
The following day, Ian & Ken went to Bowdon to give a Silver Gilt Course to 8 of their members.