Changes for 2016
For season 2016 there are major changes to the Golf Croquet Handicap system. In essence, there is a much wider range of handicaps, the handicap indexes have all been increased and trigger points have changed. Your Golf Croquet Index will now be much higher and this may effect your GC Handicap, however, for the majority of players between 11 and 3 their handicap will remain unchanged. The GC Handicap range has been expanded so it now goes from -6 to 20.
In general, weaker players will receive more extra turns (bisques) and stronger players less. You still gain or lose 10 index points for a handicap game result. Beginners should be started on Handicap 16, 14, 12 or lower, as appropriate.
If your existing handicap is 12 – handicap becomes 14 and Index 1050.
If your existing handicap is between 12 and 6 – handicap is unchanged but Index increases by 1000.
If your existing handicap is 5 – handicap is unchanged but Index increases by 1050.
If your existing handicap is 4 or 3 – add 1200 to your Index and if 1800 or above, handicap becomes 2.
If your existing handicap is 2 or below – your CGS grade becomes your new Index.
Handicap cards for both Association and Golf Croquet have been redesigned, moving to an A5 format with an additional column for the Date. The information regarding Trigger Points, etc has been removed and this is now available as an A5 insert – your Club Secretary has a supply of these.
These inserts are also available here: