Handicapper(s) at your club
The CA Handicap Committee would like to remind all clubs that you should have an appointed Club Handicapper(s) in place.
A recent survey suggested that a minority of clubs still have not made such appointments and so, if that includes your club, we ask that you please remedy this situation at your earliest convenience.
Why are Club Handicapper(s) important?
Your Club Handicapper(s), will act as the primary contact for all handicap matters.
They are backed up by Handicappers at Federation level and nationally at CA Handicapper level.
Our sport functions well from club to club and from one Federation area to the next, only because we strive to maintain a uniformity of handicapping throughout the domain.
Please help the CA to achieve this by appointing a Club Handicapper(s) at your club and by supporting him/her fully.
You might choose to appoint separate Club Handicappers for AC and GC or one individual to cover both codes.
All handicapping information sent out to Club Secretaries by the CA or Federations should be passed to the Club Handicapper. The name and contact details of the Club Handicapper should be recorded on the Federation and CA websites (the latter by notifying the CA Office).
Attributes of a Club Handicapper
Ideally, your Club Handicapper will be someone who plays, manages or referees at events away from your club, because it is important that handicaps within your club, are kept in step with those in the wider croquet community.
If this is not possible, you should appoint an individual who is well respected withing your club and likely to be vigilant and pro-active (in a supportive way).
He/she will be someone who does not tend to take “knee-jerk” decisions, but can stand back and give a considered opinion.
It is important that your members see that handicapping is taken seriously and if you are able to offer your appointed Club Handicapper(s) a place on your committee, so much the better.
Duties of a Club Handicapper(s)
Your Club Handicapper(s) will be responsible for monitoring the handicaps of all club members and to ensure that handicap grades truly reflect the skill level of the individual players.
It is the players’ own responsibility to faithfully record all competitive singles game results on their own handicap cards, and this should be monitored by your Club Handicapper.
The Automatic Handicap System will make adjustments to players’ handicap grades as results are entered on their handicap cards, but the system only works if sufficient games are played in a given period, and it does not cater for certain cases, such as the ‘rapid improver’ or the player who plays few competitive singles games whilst their playing standard gradually improves or declines.
It is a crucial role of the Club Handicapper to step-in and make manual handicap adjustments (within the prescribed limitations of the role) where there is evidence that it is necessary to do so.
– The full duties of the Club Handicapper(s) and limitations of their powers are detailed athttps://www.croquet.org.uk/?p=games/association/handicapping/managing
Help at Federation and CA Handicap Committee level
The CA handicap Committee is working through the Federations to assist where we can.
Building on some excellent work undertaken by the South-West Croquet Federation, who organised some Handicapping Workshops in the last two years, we had plans to deliver a similar workshop to the East Midlands Croquet Federation just before the current virus lockdown was announced.
Hopefully we will pick that up when normality returns, and we will look to extend the offering to other Federations if requested.
If you would like to correspond on any of the above, please contact your Federation Handicap Officer, or the CA Handicap Committee.
Frances Colman, Chairman, CA Handicap Committee, frances@luxtersfarm.com
Croquet Handicappers in the North West Federation
BOWDON | CA Handicapper for AC | Brian Storey; | bjstorey at btinternet dot com | 07730 537 950 |
BOWDON | CA Handicapper for AC | Colin Irwin; | irwin.colinj at gmail dot com | 07519 992 046 |
BOWDON | CA Handicapper for AC | Angharrad Walters; | angharrad.walters at icloud dot com | 07920 507 772 |
BOWDON | CA Handicapper for AC | Barry Keen; | barry.keen1 at ntlworld dot com | |
BOWDON | CA Handicapper for AC | Angharrad Walters; | angharrad.walters at icloud dot com | |
BOWDON | CA Handicapper for GC | Angharrad Walters; | angharrad.walters at icloud dot com | 07920 507 772 |
BOWDON | CA Handicapper for GC | John-Paul Moberly; | johnpaulmoberly at gmail dot com | 07450 238 254 |
BOWDON | Club Handicapper for AC | Lorna Frost; | lorna.frost at tiscali dot co dot uk | |
BOWDON | Club Handicapper for AC | Ken Cooper; | kenco99 at btinternet dot com | |
BOWDON | Club Handicapper for AC | Alan Mayne; | 21ayekay at gmail dot com | 07531 775 963 |
BOWDON | Club Handicapper for GC | Alan Mayne; | 21ayekay at gmail dot com | 07531 775 963 |
BURY | Club Handicapper for GC | Graham Good | grahamgood at btopenworld dot com | |
BURY | CA Handicapper for AC | Paul Kenworthy; | paulkenworthy at aol dot com | 07811 077 351 |
BURY | Club Handicapper for GC | Jean Hargreaves; | jwjh at care4free dot net | |
CHESTER | Club Handicapper for AC | David Boyd; | mail4boyd at gmail dot com | 07564 519 537 |
CHESTER | Club Handicapper for AC | Paul Watson; | ||
CHESTER | Club Handicapper for AC | Elmyr Hughes; | ||
CHESTER | Club Handicapper for GC | Maureen Ivens; | m.ivens at cardoness dot net | |
CHESTER | Club Handicapper for GC | David Crawford; | ||
CHESTER | Club Handicapper for GC | Jayne Taylor; | ||
CRAKE VALLEY | Club Handicapper for GC | Sandra Cornes | sdgrange105 at yahoo dot co dot uk | 07949 332 583 |
CRAKE VALLEY | CA Handicapper for GC | David Cornes | david dot cornes at aol dot co dot uk | |
CRAKE VALLEY | Club Handicapper for AC & GC | Tom Griffith | tomdotgriffith at googlemail dot com | |
CULCHETH | Club Handicapper for AC | Alison Charters; | ||
CULCHETH | Club Handicapper for GC | Alan Wright; | alanwright16 at googlemail dot com | |
FYLDE | CA Handicapper for AC | Liz Wilson; | liz at palnet dot co dot uk | |
FYLDE | Club Handicapper for AC | Liz Wilson; | ||
LIVERPOOL | CA Handicapper for AC | James Hawkins; | james at liverpoolcroquet dot co dot uk | 07753 450 510 |
LIVERPOOL | Club Handicapper for AC | James Hawkins; | ||
PENDLE & CRAVEN | Club Handicapper for AC | Lee Hartley; | lee_hartley2 at btinternet dot com | |
PENDLE & CRAVEN | CA Handicapper for AC | Roger Schofield; | rogerschofieldadi at outlook dot com | 07899 910 990 01282 814 571 |
PENDLE & CRAVEN | Club Handicapper for AC | Paul Rigge; | ||
PENDLE & CRAVEN | CA Handicapper for AC | Paul Rigge; | ||
PENDLE & CRAVEN | Club Handicapper for GC | Paul Rigge; | ||
SOUTHPORT | CA Handicapper for AC | Don Williamson; | don.williamson1 at btinternet dot com | |
SOUTHPORT | CA Handicapper for GC | Don Williamson; | don.williamson1 at btinternet dot com | |
SOUTHPORT | NWFCC Handicapping Officer | Don Williamson; | ||
SOUTHPORT | Club Handicapper for AC | John Haslam | southportbirkdalecroquetclub at gmail dot com | |
SOUTHPORT | Club Handicapper for AC | Richard Harding | ||
SOUTHPORT | Club Handicapper for GC | Terry Dunbar | terry_isobel at hotmail dot co dot uk | |
SOUTHPORT | Club Handicapper for GC | Richard Harding | ||
WESTMORLAND | Club Handicapper for AC | Ivan Wheatley; | ivan.wheatley at gmail dot com | 07881 581 349 |
WESTMORLAND | Club Handicapper for AC | John Shakespeare; | john.shakespeare at gmail dot com | |
WESTMORLAND | Club Handicapper for GC | Ivan Wheatley; | ivan.wheatley at gmail dot com | 07881 581 349 |
WESTMORLAND | Club Handicapper for GC | John Shakespeare; | john.shakespeare at gmail dot com |