Major leak – club demands enquiry says Il Vino of Chester

Chester club was up in arms today when it heard that details of its closely guarded secret vintage wine had leaked out to the North West croquet world. How it happened is a mystery and suggestions that it had been secretly filmed in the handbag of some one leaving a Chester restaurant late at night were dismissed as ” scurrilous”. The whistle blower who forwarded details to this website bottled out on disclosing his identity.
Andre, the sommelier of the world famous East Lancs (no West Riding) gourmet restaurant commented ” This is a complete surprise to me . As you know I love visiting the sloping lawns of Chester but have never seen the well hidden vineyard. I had heard rumours that the grapes were harvested in a novel way involving the swinging of a croquet mallet.
Suggestions that the market for this wine was being Rigged were dismissed as baseless as were rumours that Wilson of the Wizard fame used to train on it.

Salute !