Congratulations to Five North West Players Honoured by CA
At the CA AGM and Council Meeting on 2oth October, five north west croquet players were awarded CA Diplomas for Services to Croquet – Mike and Sylvia Steer from Bowdon, Frank and Janice Moir from Bowdon, David Guyton from Chester.
(The report of the meeting can be found on the CA website –here)
Their citations were as follows:
Mike and Sylvia Steer by Bowdon CC

Mike and Sylvia Steer joined Bowdon Croquet Club in 1996 and 1997 respectively and have both made a valuable contribution to the club. They have both been captains of several club teams and on winning teams in both Longman Cup and Sylvia in the Secretary’s Shield team. They have used their knowledge and skill to help with coaching on Taster Days and Beginners’ Courses for many years.
Sylvia’s keen interest in gardening and cooking has meant that she would often be seen tidying the borders and helping with catering for tournaments and other club events. She is also responsible for the ordering and distribution of club white clothing. One of Mike’s greatest contributions was in his role as editor of ‘The Bowdon Clang’, a quarterly ‘magazine’ devoted to keeping members informed of not only what was going on within the club but in the world of croquet in general. This was a huge commitment; which Mike undertook from January 2002 until October 2010. His latest projects have involved making videos of major National events held at Bowdon, which he has posted on You Tube
Over the years Mike and Sylvia have welcomed many visiting players to stay at their home. They have also supported tournaments both in the UK and abroad over many years, most recently on the Isle of Wight.
Frank and Janice Moir by Bowden CC
Frank and Janice have been members of Bowdon Croquet Club since 1999. Both have successfully played in class and knockout events. In addition, they have represented Bowdon in club teams competing in the North West Leagues. Frank has also been a past member of Bowdon teams that have been successful in CA competitions.
Frank & Janice have regularly helped with:
– Supporting Coaching on Taster Days and Coaching Courses.
– Tournament catering and social events.
– Providing accommodation for visiting players, some International, coming to Bowdon.
– Maintaining the Clubhouse – from emptying the dishwasher to cleaning out the huts & ensuring the bar doesn’t run out of beer. They have provided the floral displays outside the clubhouse – both summer and winter.
Frank and Janice always make themselves available to offer friendship and support to new members whilst also concerning themselves with the welfare of sick and older members. They have made an invaluable contribution to the promotion of croquet and the success of the Bowdon Club.
David Guyton by Chester Croquet Club

David was Chairman of Chester Croquet Club from 2004 to 2015. During this time he oversaw major changes in the Club, the lawns and the public Park in which the club is situated. David has been an outstanding leading member of the club over many years. His notable achievements are
- Bringing a comprehensive management system to the club during a period of major expansion. Not only were roles managed to meet the needs of the club but he established a culture of willingness amongst members to do” their bit for the club” As well as Chairing the Committee for 11 years with all the normal duties that requires he initiated an annual planning evening where all members can raise issues and put forward ideas for the future of the club in a highly democratic manner. He continues to publish and manage a comprehensive annual calendar of matches and events.
- New club house and 25-year lease. In 2008/09 we had a new clubhouse which made a huge difference to all the members and potential members. David was instrumental in persuading the outgoing City Council to provide this clubhouse. He then painstakingly negotiated the long-term lease to secure tenure for the club.
- Liaising with the Local Authority, a role he still performs for the club. David tracks down the correct officials and councillors, organises meetings, explains the issues, and persuades them into action. A prime example this year has been lawn watering. The lawns have been in grave danger from the drought without a sprinkler system. David organised members to provide a working party to help the grounds-people and finally achieved daily watering of our lawns.
- Club Website. David taught himself the skills required to build a new website for the Club. He has completely authored the club website and is still a major contributor to regular updates. This required many dozens, if not hundreds, of hours dedicated to the single task.
- Contribution to the North West Federation and the CA. David has ensured that the club has played a full regional role. Under his encouragement the club hosts NW and National tournaments each year. David produced a new data protection policy for the club which was then taken up by others in the North West. He co- authored the note on roles within the CA to stimulate a more thorough approach to effective governance.

Standing l to r: Mike Huxley; David Guyton; Mike Russ; Charles Waterfield; Steve Fisher; Douglas Gurney; Richard Field.
Sitting l to r: Klim Seabright; Gill Catt; Quiller Barrett; Sylvia Steer; Mike Steer.