Message from the Federation Chairman
The new season is fast approaching and foremost in everyone’s mind must be the hope that the rain will stop and play will commence. I am sure that we all look for the coming season to be well organised, busy and enjoyable, and it is to these ends, I must ask you seriously to consider taking some of your time to help the Federation keep your croquet season, well organised, busy and enjoyable.
There are a number of Officers who have served the Federation for some time and with distinction who would like to enjoy a well earned retirement. The Federation is, therefore, searching for replacements.
First, we require a League Manager to replace Tony Thomas, for whom this is unequivocally his last year in this office after many years of service. The role can be done with pencil and paper but obviously easier on a computer – if you can use emails and excel, you have the skills, plus a bit of logical thought processing. Tony will give you all the support you need and provide a step by step guide.
Secondly, Liz Wilson wishes to retire as Secretary. This job requires the usual skills associated with being secretary of a sports club or charity. It also requires patience and diplomacy. There are two meetings per year for which agenda and minutes are required and ad hoc meetings amongst the committee as business necessitates (one only in the last 12 months). Business is conducted via email where possible.
Thirdly, after gallant and diplomatic service as our CA Representative over the period of constitutional upheaval in the CA, Peter Wilson wishes to retire. His position becomes vacant at the Spring Meeting. The Federation Representative will be required to attend meetings at the CA, acting on behalf of the Federation and report back to its members. The Federation Representative may also have the opportunity to be co-opted on to CA sub-committees and will be expected to participate as necessary.
Lastly, if I am returned as Chairman at the autumn AGM, it will be my last year in that role, as I am constitutionally bound to retire after three years and be unavailable for re-election. I hope to continue some work with the Federation in another role, if and when one becomes available which matches my skill set and if anyone wants me!
Suffice to say, I would like members now to be considering taking on this role. Succession planning is everything.
What do you get for taking on any of the above offices? On the down side, there is no payment and it takes up a little of your time, for a year or two, as you are not being asked to take on these roles forever. On the plus side, you get the thanks of those who appreciate what you are doing and the satisfaction of seeing a well run Federation providing a League and Tournament programme which is second to none in the UK.
I hope that you or other members of your club will consider volunteering to help. I have sent this message to every club secretary and asked them to circulate this message to all of their members. If you require any further information or just a chat about any of the jobs, please don’t hesitate to contact me on 07711-623311 or via email to
Many thanks and kindest regards,
Garry Wilson