The “Flying Circus” Returns – Bob Burnett (20/02/09)
At a recent officers meeting of the Federation it was decided to re-introduce the idea of the coaching “Flying Circus”. You may remember, this was originally instigated by Neil Williams a number of years ago and was intended to take the coaches and coaching to the various clubs within the Federation. Clubs were able to identify areas and standards of play within their own clubs that would benefit most from coaching by the Federation Coaches. It proved very successful.
A number of Coach Qualification Courses have been run over recent years and so most clubs have at least a Club Coach on their books who is able to deal with people new to the game. The Flying Circus will provide a coach, of the appropriate level of expertise and experience, to move your players on by coming to your club and running a full day course.
Please refer to the FIXTURES BOOK pages 108- 109 for the complete details of which level is required by your members — from ‘Improvers (with Handicaps ’18 to 21 )–right through to Gold level– WE CAN DO IT !
The intention is to visit every club within the Federation during the 2009 season. In order to plan the programme we need to know the level required, the numbers involved and the dates when your members and lawns are available. We plan to publish the dates of courses on the NWFCC web site and make them open to all members of the Federation to attend. This will ensure that all players have the chance to attend a course of the level they require even if their own club is concentrating on a different standard of play. The Federation will fund the course and so there is no cost to the club (other than providing the coach with lunch).
Courses and venues already identified are: Southport GOLD 28th March (Advance coaching for experienced players, handicaps below 4) – Bob Burnett, Ian Lines & James Hawkins. Chester SILVER GILT Mon 18 May (Experienced players with handicap 4-8) – Christine Irwin & Don Williamson. Fylde SILVER 3rd May (Experienced players with handicaps 8-11) – Ken Cooper & Ray Lowe. Culcheth GOLF & SHORT Tue 12 May – David Barrett